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Hệ thống điều khiển
Máy nén khí Buma
Model: BUMA
Nhãn hiệu: BUMA
Xuất xứ: KOREA
Giá tham khảo: Liên hệ
Lượt xem: 4909
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PLC Intelligent Control System World Class Quality BUMATEC

Linkage Control

This function can be available to control multiple sets of compressors for stable air supply. It consists with one set of host and the rest sets of auxiliaries. The host can be nominated simply in the controller.

Remote Control

Remote control of air compressors could be realized by wire or wireless using intelligent logic controller with microcomputer or ‘Dispersion Control System (DCS) and BUMATEC’s smart control with communication interface.

Extended Function

All the compressors of different locations of the world can be controlled and monitored real time operation status on the website, thus it increase the reliability and saves the cost

Control Solutions

Computer Display Monitor

Control unit can be connected with computer using LAN cable for easy control in the office.
It can control air compressors and air exhaust valves from central control center.
Monitoring is possible for abnormal operation and real time line pressure, etc.
It is possible to control and make report by intelligent control system.

Remote Control on Touch Screen

Control unit can be connected with Touch screen controller using LAN cable for easy control in the remote area.
It can control air compressors and air exhaust valves from this touch screen.
On the touch screen, it can be monitored and control the same issues as combined control unit.

Comp-Keeper : SMS system

It sends administrator the status of air compressor when it has malfunction occurred or maintenance required.
Max. 18 cell phone numbers can be put on record.
In accordance with air compressor status, it can be written in multiple languages.
Computer Control
Linkage Control
  • Máy nén khí Buma
Số 426, Đường Liên Phường, P. Phước Long B, Tp. Thủ Đức, TP. Hồ Chí Minh 
 Call/ Zalo: Mr. Tam 0919-243-248
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